It's About Time—Five Free Apps to Manage Yours

by XSport - January 2015, Edition 7

workout app

There are as many reasons that you might want to do a better job tracking your time as there are ways to track it, and now, digital apps that will help you in your efforts.

Maybe you’re trying to balance your work and personal time, or work with a team that splits time on tasks. Sometimes you can’t figure where your time went. These apps help.

Our list ranges from the truly simple time management approach where you have a timer and a goal to get as much as you can done in an allotted time frame, to more involved tracking systems for you to use personally or in a group.

The first criteria we present is that they are all free. There are solutions for a mix of devices: Apple, Android and PC/desktop versions as well.

The best use of time tracking and productivity management tools is to create more efficient habits, so you can lead the lifestyle you want in the hours you choose!

focus booster

You can download a desktop timer, or use an online timer app, for free, right now, from focus booster. This app uses the Pomodoro technique, which is an easy timer system offering short bursts of focused time without distractions dedicated to completing specific work.

The timer is set for 25 minutes and then you take a five minute break before beginning again, until the task is done. A longer break after four sessions is recommended. And the desktop focus booster provides you with the visual and mental support to stay on track.

Rescue Time

One of the biggest time-wasters of the modern age is the internet, oddly enough, even though technology is supposed to save us time in the end. Ever wonder if you spend too much time on Facebook or other social media sites? RescueTime will let you know.

Useful for Apple, Android or PC products, you can have the free version of RescueTime running in the background on your device and tracking the minutes you spend on sites. You can even set up a notification after a couple of hours lost in the rabbit hole, and get emails showing you where you’ve been for how long.


Nothing worse than spending a lot of time you don’t have on mastering a new app that is supposed to help you master your time. With ATracker, you can easily read the screens and navigate the interface.

Set up is fast and it only takes a few taps to register your tasks throughout the day. Your to-dos are user-defined, too, so you get a sense that your time management is up to you. This application is for Apple products only.


While it isn’t exactly a tracking app, Asana is getting rave reviews as a productivity and time management tool. The application is beloved for its group use.

When email doesn’t seem to do enough to keep your team on top of all the tasks involved in a project, Asana is your answer. And the communications aspects allow for even more efficient use of time. Multiply that by everyone with a role executing an action list and you can really rack up the time savings.

My Minutes

An essential use for time tracking is as an aid to goal-setting. How long would you like to spend on the various activities you have set forth as your priorities? Make that plan happen with the assistance of My Minutes.

The app is your personal reminder when you use up your time on an endeavor, and also congratulates you when you meet your goals for devoting enough time on tasks. It works on Apple and Android devices.